Measuring of Shisha glasses without thread - but how?
by Shisha-World
The following dimensions are important:
- Inner diameter of glass opening
- Outer diameter of glass opening
- Glass depth (for water pipe)
- Total amount
- Total diameter belly
- Inner diameter of glass opening
- For glasses without thread the inner diameter of the glass opening is measured.

In our picture example the inner diameter is 3,9cm.
- Outer diameter of glass opening
- At best, the outer diameter is measured using a caliper gauge. If you don't have one of these at hand, you should make sure that the measuring stick is exactly flush with the glass. For this purpose it is advisable to use a second ruler or a second measuring stick.

In our picture example the outer diameter is 5.5cm.
- Glass depth (for water pipe)
- The depth of the glass plays an important role in the right choice of water pipe.
- The glass depth is the measure of the inner glass bottom to the end of the glass neck. A second ruler or a second measuring stick is also helpful here.

- Total height
- For total height the complete height of the glass is measured (floor to end of glass).

- Total diameter belly
- To get an idea of the glass dimension, the total diameter of the belly is given. The widest part of the glass is measured.